Brand: PIG
Part Description: Comply with Spill Plan regs, avoid fines and be ready to respond with the #1 kit for everyday liquid spills | Overpack drum container is UN Rated for shipping waste after spill cleanup | Lift-out, prepacked baskets speed access and guard contents from UV | PIG Blue Socks stop spreading spills; PIG Mat and Pillows absorb; wipers clean surfaces and hands | Temporary disposal bags help make cleanup easier | Overpack is X-rated in Packing Groups I, II and III for shipping spill cleanup waste by land, sea or rail | Lightweight polyethylene container resists chemicals and keeps contents clean and dry | Leakproof, twist-on lid is notched for easy removal or tightening with a 2x4 or pole | Bold "Spill Kit" lettering for quick identification | Ledges molded into container make kit easy to move by forklift | Tamperproof seals help prevent pilfering of spill response supplies